27 Jan Mitch goes to Marseilles

Recollective artist Mitch Miller has been commissioned by the Mucem (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisation) in Marseilles to create new work for Barvalo, an exhibition on Romani culture and history which opens in April 2023. The project brings together artists, curators and activists from all over Europe to produce the first major exhibition on GRT’s contribution to European culture.
Mitch has been working with the Mucem, ERIAC (European Roma Institute of Arts and Culture) and Dr. Jonah Steinberg of the University of Vermont to create two new works on the subject of Romani migration and language. ‘Warekai’ and ‘Cado Si’ are tri-lingual dialectograms (Romani, French and English) on the subject of Romani Migration and Language.
For more information on the Mucem, and Barvalo, visit https://www.mucem.org/en
ERIAC: https://eriac.org/